Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India - Anne Renting - WaarBenJij.nu Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India - Anne Renting - WaarBenJij.nu
Zend_View Object
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Reisdetails van Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India


Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India


In Augustus vertrek ik voor 5,5 maanden naar Pondicherry te India samen met mijn reis maatje Kristin. Wij gaan daar voor ongeveer vier maanden werken op een project waar straatkinderen wonen. Op het project in India krijg ik de mogelijkheid om een vorm van muziektherapie te geven aan de kinderen!


Stage of afstuderen in het buitenland


van 15 augustus 2013 tot en met 3 februari 2013

) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => name [name] => robots [content] => index,follow [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India [1] => Anne Renting [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML4_LOOSE ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink Object ( [_itemKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => charset [1] => href [2] => hreflang [3] => id [4] => media [5] => rel [6] => rev [7] => type [8] => title [9] => extras [10] => sizes ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [content] =>

Reisdetails van Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India


Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India


In Augustus vertrek ik voor 5,5 maanden naar Pondicherry te India samen met mijn reis maatje Kristin. Wij gaan daar voor ongeveer vier maanden werken op een project waar straatkinderen wonen. Op het project in India krijg ik de mogelijkheid om een vorm van muziektherapie te geven aan de kinderen!


Stage of afstuderen in het buitenland


van 15 augustus 2013 tot en met 3 februari 2013

) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => name [name] => robots [content] => index,follow [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India [1] => Anne Renting [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript Object ( [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript [_arbitraryAttributes:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureScriptType:protected] => [_captureScriptAttrs:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_optionalAttributes:protected] => Array ( [0] => charset [1] => defer [2] => language [3] => src ) [_requiredAttributes:protected] => Array ( [0] => type ) [useCdata] => [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [content] =>

Reisdetails van Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India


Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India


In Augustus vertrek ik voor 5,5 maanden naar Pondicherry te India samen met mijn reis maatje Kristin. Wij gaan daar voor ongeveer vier maanden werken op een project waar straatkinderen wonen. Op het project in India krijg ik de mogelijkheid om een vorm van muziektherapie te geven aan de kinderen!


Stage of afstuderen in het buitenland


van 15 augustus 2013 tot en met 3 februari 2013

) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => name [name] => robots [content] => index,follow [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India [1] => Anne Renting [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript Object ( [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript [_arbitraryAttributes:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureScriptType:protected] => [_captureScriptAttrs:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_optionalAttributes:protected] => Array ( [0] => charset [1] => defer [2] => language [3] => src ) [_requiredAttributes:protected] => Array ( [0] => type ) [useCdata] => [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [content] =>

Reisdetails van Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India


Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India


In Augustus vertrek ik voor 5,5 maanden naar Pondicherry te India samen met mijn reis maatje Kristin. Wij gaan daar voor ongeveer vier maanden werken op een project waar straatkinderen wonen. Op het project in India krijg ik de mogelijkheid om een vorm van muziektherapie te geven aan de kinderen!


Stage of afstuderen in het buitenland


van 15 augustus 2013 tot en met 3 februari 2013

) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => name [name] => robots [content] => index,follow [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India [1] => Anne Renting [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle Object ( [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle [_translate:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_defaultAttachOrder:protected] => [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India [1] => Anne Renting [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [content] =>

Reisdetails van Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India


Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India


In Augustus vertrek ik voor 5,5 maanden naar Pondicherry te India samen met mijn reis maatje Kristin. Wij gaan daar voor ongeveer vier maanden werken op een project waar straatkinderen wonen. Op het project in India krijg ik de mogelijkheid om een vorm van muziektherapie te geven aan de kinderen!


Stage of afstuderen in het buitenland


van 15 augustus 2013 tot en met 3 februari 2013

) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => name [name] => robots [content] => index,follow [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van Annerinindia.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India [1] => Anne Renting [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [DateTime] => TravelLog\View\Helper\DateTime Object ( [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Url] => Zend_View_Helper_Url Object ( [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ [1] => ./views/filters/ ) [User_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => /srv/www/tl-www/website/application/modules/user/views/filters/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink [HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript [InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript [HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle [DateTime] => TravelLog\View\Helper\DateTime [Url] => Zend_View_Helper_Url ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ [1] => ./views/helpers/ ) [TravelLog\View\Helper\] => Array ( [0] => /srv/www/tl-www/website/application/library/TravelLog/View/Helper/ ) [User_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => /srv/www/tl-www/website/application/modules/user/views/helpers/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [module] => user [controller] => travels [action] => details [currentUserId] => 0 [currentUserName] => [domainName] => waarbenjij.nu [protocol] => https:// [cdnRoot] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/ [cdn] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/ [notificationWindow] => [customBannerParameters] => Array ( ) [analyticsDomain] => .waarbenjij.nu [analyticsCode] => UA-109425-7 [analyticsClickTracking] => [user] => TravelLog\Entity\Users\Users Object ( [latestReport:protected] => [_name:protected] => users [_schema:protected] => users [_data:protected] => Array ( [userId] => 389488 [communityWebsiteId] => 1 [username] => Annerinindia [usernameCrc32] => 1601187135 [primaryLanguageId] => 0 [status] => online [latitude] => 11.930000 [longitude] => 79.830000 [firstName] => Anne [lastNamePrefix] => [lastName] => Renting [photoAvailable] => yes [photoRevision] => 2 [emailAddress] => A_nne_x@hotmail.com [emailAddressCrc32] => 0 [currentCityId] => 1259425 [currentCountryId] => 87 [advertising] => yes [pictureCount] => 13 [videoCount] => 0 [gender] => female [homeCityId] => 0 [homeCountryId] => 0 [newsletterSubscription] => yes [registrationDate] => 2013-06-06 20:06:41 [lastLoginDate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [birthday] => 0000-00-00 [showOnHomepage] => yes [description] => [mailFlow] => enabled [mailinglistAcceptMemberFirst] => no [showWelcomeBanner] => yes [vipExpirationDate] => 0000-00-00 [showVipStatus] => yes [freeSecondAlbumCredits] => 0 [mailNewReports] => yes [mailNewReportComments] => yes [photoPlayerType] => inline [visitorCount] => 11927 [showHalloBuitenland] => yes [showComments] => yes [showSocialMediaButtons] => yes [adi_num_invites] => unlimited [passwordProtected] => no [vipMember] => no [currentCityName] => Pondicherry [currentCountryName] => India [currentCountryIsoCode] => in [currentContinentId] => 2 [currentContinentName] => Azië [currentTimezoneId] => 250 [currentLatitude] => 11.930000 [currentLongitude] => 79.830000 [timezoneId] => 250 [timezoneName] => Asia/Kolkata [localTime] => 2024-09-21 06:25:48 [age] => 0 [travelStatus] => back [imageLink50x50] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/users/000/000/000/000/389/488_50x50.jpg?r=2 [imageLink105x105] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/users/000/000/000/000/389/488_105x105.jpg?r=2 [imageLinkSidebar] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl//users/000/000/000/000/389/488_sidebar.jpg?r=2 ) [_apiClient:protected] => TravelLog\ApiClient\HttpApiClient Object ( [urlPath:protected] => users/users [lastReponse:protected] => [_timeout:protected] => 10 [_throwExceptions:protected] => 1 ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_isNew:protected] => [_primaryKeyField:protected] => [_relatedEntities:protected] => Array ( ) ) [userFullName] => Anne Renting [visitedCountries] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [countryId] => 134 [countryName] => Nederland [countryIsoCode] => nl [continentId] => 4 [continentName] => Europa ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [countryId] => 87 [countryName] => India [countryIsoCode] => in [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) ) [travel] => TravelLog\Entity\Users\Travels Object ( [_name:protected] => travels [_schema:protected] => users [_data:protected] => Array ( [travelId] => 444971 [userId] => 389488 [travelIdUrl] => 0 [title] => Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India [description] => In Augustus vertrek ik voor 5,5 maanden naar Pondicherry te India samen met mijn reis maatje Kristin. Wij gaan daar voor ongeveer vier maanden werken op een project waar straatkinderen wonen. Op het project in India krijg ik de mogelijkheid om een vorm van muziektherapie te geven aan de kinderen! [dateDepart] => 2013-08-15 [dateReturn] => 2013-02-03 [goalId] => 8 [tags] => [campaignId] => 0 [showDate] => yes [picture] => no [designId] => 13 [designSource] => general [groupTravel] => no [pictureCount] => 13 [videoCount] => 0 [clubId] => 0 [clubTravelId] => 0 [partnerId] => 0 [dateDeleted] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [titleSlugified] => mijn-eerste-reis-naar-pondicherry-te-india [goalName] => Stage of afstuderen in het buitenland [travelStatus] => back [stylesheetLink] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/css/custom/design13.css [customBackgroundColor] => FDE7E7 [customBorderColor] => FFFFFF [customTextColor] => 333 [imageLinkSidebar] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/img/dagboek/standard.jpg [imageLink50x50] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/img/icons/thumbnailTravel.png ) [_apiClient:protected] => TravelLog\ApiClient\HttpApiClient Object ( [urlPath:protected] => users/travels [lastReponse:protected] => [_timeout:protected] => 10 [_throwExceptions:protected] => 1 ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_isNew:protected] => [_primaryKeyField:protected] => [_relatedEntities:protected] => Array ( ) ) [currentTravelTitle] => Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India [currentTravelId] => 444971 [travelList] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [travelId] => 444971 [title] => Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India [partnerId] => 0 [dateDepart] => 2013-08-15 [dateReturn] => 2013-02-03 [titleSlugified] => mijn-eerste-reis-naar-pondicherry-te-india ) ) [partnerCode] => [recentReports] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [reportId] => 4642833 [title] => India [datePublication] => 2013-12-06 [countryId] => 87 [cityId] => 1259425 [commentCount] => 5 [titleSlugified] => india [countryName] => India [countryIsoCode] => in [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [reportId] => 4632563 [title] => De tijd vliegt... [datePublication] => 2013-11-11 [countryId] => 87 [cityId] => 1259425 [commentCount] => 8 [titleSlugified] => de-tijd-vliegt [countryName] => India [countryIsoCode] => in [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [reportId] => 4616359 [title] => Don Bosco boyshome [datePublication] => 2013-10-08 [countryId] => 87 [cityId] => 1259425 [commentCount] => 14 [titleSlugified] => don-bosco-boyshome [countryName] => India [countryIsoCode] => in [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [reportId] => 4600652 [title] => Pondicherry Boys Home [datePublication] => 2013-09-10 [countryId] => 87 [cityId] => 1259425 [commentCount] => 15 [titleSlugified] => pondicherry-boys-home [countryName] => India [countryIsoCode] => in [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [reportId] => 4593591 [title] => Hello Pondi and Hello Boyshome [datePublication] => 2013-08-28 [countryId] => 134 [cityId] => 2752833 [commentCount] => 13 [titleSlugified] => hello-pondi-and-hello-boyshome [countryName] => Nederland [countryIsoCode] => nl [continentId] => 4 [continentName] => Europa ) ) [diaryStats] => Array ( [userTravelsCount] => 1 [userReportsCount] => 7 [userPictureCount] => 13 ) [breadcrumb] =>
  • >
  • >
  • >
  • Reisdetails
  • [styleSheet] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/css/custom/design13.css )

    Blijf op de hoogte en volg Anne

    Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India

    In Augustus vertrek ik voor 5,5 maanden naar Pondicherry te India samen met mijn reis maatje Kristin. Wij gaan daar voor ongeveer vier maanden werken op een project waar straatkinderen wonen. Op het project in India krijg ik de mogelijkheid om een vorm van muziektherapie te geven aan de kinderen!

    Recente Reisverslagen:

    06 December 2013


    11 November 2013

    De tijd vliegt...

    08 Oktober 2013

    Don Bosco boyshome

    10 September 2013

    Pondicherry Boys Home

    28 Augustus 2013

    Hello Pondi and Hello Boyshome

    Landen bezocht:


    Actief sinds 06 Juni 2013
    Verslag gelezen:
    Totaal aantal bezoekers 11927

    Voorgaande reizen:

    15 Augustus 2013 - 03 Februari 2013

    Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India

    Landen bezocht:

    Voorgaande reizen:

    15 Augustus 2013 - 03 Februari 2013

    Mijn eerste reis naar Pondicherry te India